For information relating to Entries, Deadlines, Fees, Entering Marks, External Moderation and Review of Moderation refer to the Administration Booklet.
Assessment Forms
Previous assessment forms and candidate declaration and time sheets should not be used. Our NEW Candidate Booklets can be accessed via the WJEC Secure Website.
*KS4 Confirmation statements can be found in the KS4 Candidate Booklet
Aggregation of the Welsh Baccalaureate
Let us know which Awarding Body we need to collect data from, with the Welsh Baccalaureate AOI1 Form.
The Skills Challenge Certificate uses e-Submission for external moderation of candidate work. For more information and guidance on the process, please visit the e-Submission webpage.
Every school, F.E. College and educational establishment who delivers the Welsh Baccalaureate are allocated a Support Officers who will provide guidance and support.

Sian Coathup
Areas you cover
North and South central Wales – English-medium schools
I was a Science teacher in North Wales for 19 years, holding various
departmental and pastoral positions during my career. Through my pastoral role I had the opportunity to focus on student wellbeing to maximise achievement. I understand the importance of teachers developing learners’ skills to best prepare them for life after school/college.
I am excited to see the new Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales doing just that - preparing Welsh learners in a way unique to our education system.

Rhys Huws

Areas you cover
South West and Mid Wales schools – English and Welsh medium
Prior to joining WJEC I taught Geography in a Welsh medium secondary school in Pembrokeshire where I undertook several roles – Head of Department, Head of Year and Examination Officer. I was also the Welsh Baccalaureate Coordinator when the school piloted the qualification at Key Stage 4 in 2006.
I am a strong advocate of the Skills Challenge Certificate and can see that the development of skills is extremely valuable for higher education and future employment. I am extremely excited about the new Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales qualification and the experiences and skills learners across Wales will acquire.

Arwel Jones

Areas you cover
South East Wales schools and North Wales Welsh/ Bilingual schools
I started my career as a Biology teacher and have been fortunate to have been Head of Department and Head of Sixth Form in various Welsh medium schools in the South East of Wales. I was also a Head of Secondary School in an international school before joining the team at WJEC.
I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with teachers from different centres to support them with delivering the Skills Challenge Certificate. I look forward to continuing this work whilst helping centres prepare to deliver and assess the new Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales qualification. I am very excited about the opportunities this new qualification offers our young people in Wales to help them become confident and active citizens, both in a sustainable global society and in their future workplace.