Welsh for Adults Qualification Suite
Work flexibly, receive comprehensive paid training, and play a key role in helping learners reach their potential. Apply now and join our team of examiners.
These pages contain information about the qualifications and resources which WJEC provides specifically for the Welsh for Adults field.
WJEC provides a suite of qualifications for adults who are learning Welsh, called Defnyddio'r Gymraeg. The suite gives candidates an opportunity to show their ability in speaking, listening, reading and writing Welsh - at different levels. Qualifications can be gained by sitting examinations on specific days, and they are open to adults who have learnt Welsh as a second language or who are learning at present. It is not necessary to be in a specific class to sit the exams, or to have taken the lower level exams first. The qualifications are for people learning in evening or daytime classes, on intensive courses or on workplace courses.
The 2025 exam dates are listed below
The last date for registering for the summer 2025 exams is 28 February 2025.
Mynediad/Entry A1
Friday, 31 January 2025 (Last registration date: 6 December 2024)
Tuesday, 10 June 2025
Wednesday evening, 11 June 2025
Sylfaen/Foundation A2
Friday, 20 June 2025
Canolradd/Intermediate B1
Friday, 13 June 2025
Uwch/Advanced B2
Wednesday and Thursday, 18 and 19 June 2025
Contact your exam centre/your provider to register. Details are available in the back of each booklet for candidates. Neither WJEC nor the exam centres can guarantee that the exam will be available in full in your area.
Click on the links in the table below to go to the relevant level for you, and look for the Candidate Information Booklet.
WJEC is a full member of ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe). This is an association for organisations who offer language examinations across Europe, representing 26 different languages. More information about ALTE is available here.
The Common European Framework of Reference describes 6 levels of language proficiency from A1 to C2. This framework is available on the Council of Europe website.
Qualification | Level in the Framework | Framework of Reference (CEFR) |
Entry/ Mynediad | Entry/ Mynediad | A1 |
Foundation/ Sylfaen | 1 | A2 |
Intermediate/ Canolradd | 2 | B1 |
Higher/ Uwch | 3 | B2 |
WJEC publish a number of resources for the Welsh for adults sector. These can be ordered from a local Welsh bookshop. In order to ensure that the resources you’re looking for are in print, check the Welsh Books Council website. Here are some of the popular resources which are still available:
Cardiau Corryn
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Cardiau Corryn is a set of flash or prompt cards suitable to be used at the end of Mynediad level to prepare candidates about to take the exam, or possibly at the start of the Sylfaen course as a revision activity. |
Dysgu trwy Lenyddiaeth
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This book contains short extracts from Welsh literature, including songs, poems, extracts fom prose, plays etc, which may be used in the Welsh for adults class. |
Darnau Gwrando
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This is a collection of listening activities to be used in a Welsh for adults class. The activities are useful when preparing candidates to take the Welsh for adults exams: Mynediad, Sylfaen and Canolradd. A CD is included in the book and the sound tracks are in mp3 file format. |
Other Resources
Stocks of other resources are still available:
CBAC-WJEC course books
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Most Welsh for adults classes now use the course books published by the National Centre for Learning Welsh. Some of the old WJEC course books are still in stock:
There are north and south versions of the course books, as well as a practice pack (home work), revision CDs and Guidelines for Tutors for each level. When the stock comes to an end they will be freely available on this website, where possible. |
Here are some resources which are now out of print: the revision CDs for learners using Cwrs Mynediad, and the Guidelines for Tutors:
- CD Adolygu'r Cwrs Mynediad (Fersiwn y De)
- CD Adolygu'r Cwrs Mynediad (Fersiwn y Gogledd
- Canllawiau i Diwtoriaid Cwrs Mynediad
Cymraeg i'r Teulu
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This is a course for parents and other members of the family who wish to learn to speak Welsh with Foundation Level age children (up to 7 years). The resources are suitable for beginners or learners who have just started learning Welsh. There are north and south Wales versions of the course books, the practice packs and CDs. |
- Llyfr Cwrs lefel Mynediad (year 1 and year 2)
- Pecyn Ymarfer (year 1 and year 2)
- CD Adolygu (year 1 and year 2)
- Cardiau fflach bach / Small flash cards
- Cardiau fflach mawr / Large flash cards
- Canllawiau i diwtoriaid / Guidelines for Tutors
The pack of track games is out of print. The guidelines for the games may still be useful for classroom tutors: Canllawiau i gyd-fynd â Gemau Trac Cymraeg i'r Teulu
The following resources are no longer available:
- Ffeil Hyfedredd
- Cardiau Fflach Mawr
- Cardiau Fflach Bach
In order to ensure that the resource you’re looking for is available, check the the Welsh Books Council website, or ask your local Welsh book shop.