Level 3 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales
IAMIS E-Submission
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Teaching: Sept 2023
Reference Codes
What is the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales?
We are delighted to announce that our new Level 3 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales has been approved by Qualifications Wales for first teaching from September 2023. The qualification will be first awarded in summer 2025 and will replace the current Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate.
This exciting, new Level 3 qualification will support learners to become effective, responsible, and active citizens ready to take their place in a sustainable global society and in the workplace.
Through completing the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales qualification, learners will:
- develop, apply and be assessed on their skills of Planning and Organisation; Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving; Creativity and Innovation; and Personal Effectiveness (the ‘Integral’ Skills)
- be given opportunities to further develop their skills of Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence (the ‘Embedded’ Skills)
- develop an appreciation of the importance of skills development as a key aspect of life-long learning
- engage in active, creative, and learner-led opportunities
- enquire and think for themselves, plan, make choices and decisions, solve problems, and reflect on and evaluate these
- develop initiative, independence, and resilience
- work independently, take on responsibilities and work effectively with others.

Have a question about Level 3 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales?
Skills and Pathways Qualifications Manager (AdvSBW and ESW)
Our subject team is happy to help you with all your queries related to the teaching and learning of our specifications. Our Subject Officers are all former teachers and are here to support you with delivering our qualifications. Get in touch with us via e-mail or telephone.