GCSE Latin
Theme A: Heroes and Villains - a selection of Latin texts and sources on Romans good and bad / Theme B: Come Dine with me! - a selection of Latin texts and sources on food and dining in the Roman world.
Authors to be examined in 2026-2027 are Livy (Hannibal Crosses the Alps, in Latin and English) and Virgil (Hercules and Cacus, in Latin and English).
Topics for examination in summer 2027, 2028 and 2029, will be:
Topic 7: Slavery in the Roman World
Topic 8: Roman Festivals and Worship
The sub-headings for these topics can be found in Appendix C of the specification.
Latin Resource Guide - This booklet provides an overview of the support, guidance and resources available to those teaching the WJEC GCSE Latin specification across our suite of websites. |
Our GCSE (9-1) Latin specification provides learners with a foundation in linguistic and cultural competence, enabling them to gain knowledge and understanding of the Roman world through reading and responding to its language and literature.
This qualification has been designated by Qualifications Wales for teaching in Wales.
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We are developing a wide range of resources to help students and teachers with set texts at GCSE.
Grade boundaries are the minimum number of marks needed to achieve each grade.
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