Entry Level 3 / Level 1 Self Development and Wellbeing
The WJEC Self Development and Wellbeing qualifications are designed to support learners to become healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society, taking responsibility for their well-being for life and work. These qualifications can support learners who may need additional support to help them take part in employment and education and will advance learners’ personal and social development and well-being, including their mental and physical wellbeing. Self Development and Wellbeing qualifications will also develop learners’ knowledge of the society in which they will live and work, supporting them to develop an appreciation of different cultures and an awareness of current global issues and events.
WJEC Self Development and Well-Being qualifications are part of WJEC’s Pathways to Employment suite of qualifications, designed to support learners aged 16 and over to get training, work experience and paid job opportunities.
Digital Resources for this qualification will be available soon!