Welsh for Adults

These pages contain information about the qualifications and resources which WJEC provides specifically for the Welsh for Adults field.


WJEC provides a suite of qualifications for adults who are learning Welsh, called Defnyddio'r Gymraeg. The suite gives candidates an opportunity to show their ability in speaking, listening, reading and writing Welsh - at different levels.  Qualifications can be gained by sitting examinations on specific days, and they are open to adults who have learnt Welsh as a second language or who are learning at present. It is not necessary to be in a specific class to sit the exams, or to have taken the lower level exams first. The qualifications are for people learning in evening or daytime classes, on intensive courses or on workplace courses. 

The framework in the table below gives an indication of how the qualifications relate to the National Qualifications Framework and to the ALTE / CEFR framework.

Qualification Level in the Framework Framework of Reference (CEFR)
Mynediad / Entry Mynediad A1
Sylfaen / Foundation 1 A2
Canolradd / Intermediate 2 B1
Uwch / Advanced 3 B2


Important dates

New: Information about 2020 dates and closing dates is available here.


WJEC is a full member of ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe).  This is an association for organisations who offer language examinations across Europe, representing 26 different languages. More information about ALTE is available here.

The Common European Framework of Reference describes 6 levels of language proficiency from A1 to C2. This framework is available on the Council of Europe website.

Key Documents

To find past papers, booklets for candidates and specifications for tutors, click on the relevant level. 

Emyr Davies
Examinations Officer
local_phone 029 2026 5009
Rhys Davies
Administrative Support Officer
local_phone 029 2026 5007