Reforming Cymraeg Gwaith Pathway Qualifications

We will be reforming our Cymraeg Gwaith Pathway qualifications to ensure that they remain fit-for-purpose, up-to-date and reflect current good practice in qualification and assessment design. 


Our Cymraeg Gwaith qualifications are aimed at post 16 learners following a wide range of courses in further education colleges, schools or the workplace who need to develop Welsh communication skills in the workplace. Achievement of a Work Welsh/Cymraeg Gwaith qualification provides formal recognition and certification of an individual's use of Welsh in a vocational context. 


Scoping workshops 


The reform of these qualifications will not happen in isolation.  We want to hear from anyone with an interest in the reform of Cymraeg Gwaith Pathway Qualifications.  This includes teachers, learners, parents, carers, learning providers, agencies, and employers. 


We are holding a scoping workshop to gather your views on the qualification and proposals for reform.  We aim to run the workshop for an hour but have allowed extra time so not to stifle discussion. It will take place on November 6th, 2024. 


If you would like to attend the above workshop, please email: Qualification Development (WJEC CBAC)