Developing a suite of Sustainability qualifications

We are excited to announce that we are going to be exploring the potential demand for a suite of Sustainability Qualifications to meet the needs of learners across a wide range of settings. This is in response to Wales’ own Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, the Curriculum for Wales Four Purposes, and the United Nation’s Global Goals. 


Latest Update: WJEC unveils sustainability qualifications for the net zero jobs of tomorrow


Our vision for this work is a world in which:

  • learners leave school confident of their place in a fast-changing society and planet equipped with the knowledge, skills and mindsets they will need to navigate it, ready to actively contribute to it as citizens and custodians of a sustainable future
  • educators can confidently ‘teach the future’ and embark on their own learning journeys towards professional (and personal) fulfilment
  • employers take an active role in this learning journey as partners, problem solvers and enablers of skills for the future.

Our mission is to equip today’s and future generations of learners and leaders to develop the skills, knowledge and mindsets they will need to thrive - and contribute - in a climate-changed world.



Get Involved - Level 2 Sustainability in Practice: Future Changemakers 


We are at the start of our journey of developing the Level 2 Sustainability in Practice: Future Changemakers qualification. 


This project-based qualification is designed to build on the learner’s knowledge of sustainability and empower them to act as ‘sustainability champions’ within their settings. 


By completing this qualification, learners will: 

  • develop their understanding of sustainability 
  • understand how to plan to take action, by learning about areas such as project management, change management and  planning tools 
  • take action to address sustainability within their setting. 

Assessment of this qualification is project based, with a focus on the application of sustainability principles and practices. Learners will also be required to reflect on the outcomes and impact achieved through their project. 


Join our Qualification Development Advisory Group  


We are looking for individuals to join our Qualification Development Advisory Group to advise, inform and challenge us as we move through the qualification development process.  

  • practitioners and senior leaders in school/college sixth forms and further education colleges 
  • higher education practitioners and/or representatives
  • employers and/or industry representatives 
    other organisations with an interest in the qualification
  • PGCE students. 

Our Qualification Development Advisory Group:  

  • tests our vision, by being a critical but supportive friend to ensure that the qualification will meet stakeholder expectations
  • advises on specific aspects of qualification content and assessment approaches at key stages throughout the development process
  • contributes with a solutions mindset. 

Apply to join our Qualification Development Advisory Groups by emailing Tell us (in no more than 300 words) a little about your skills and experience and why you are interested in this opportunity. If you are currently teaching in Wales, it would be helpful if you could provide us with your centre name and/or location. 

The deadline for applications is 18th July 2024.

For further information, please contact

We are also looking for writers. If you are interested you can apply here.