Following the publication of results for each examination series, WJEC offers a range of post-results services including:
Clerical re-check - a re-check of clerical procedures leading to the issue of a result
Post-results review of marking - a review of the original marking to ensure that the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly
Access to scripts – an electronic version of the script
Post-results review of moderation - a review of the original moderation to ensure that the assessment criteria have been fairly, reliably and consistently applied
Applications for these services must come from the entering centre, and so candidates must speak to their school or college if they wish to apply for a Post Results Service. Information for Private Candidates can be found at the foot of this page.
Advice and guidance is available in the following documents:
WJEC follows the same procedures in January as the JCQ procedures for the June and November series.
If you wish to access scripts, or submit an application for a review of marking or moderation, centres can do this online via Portal.
If private candidates have concerns about their examination results and wish to make an application for a review or if they wish to apply for access to scripts, they should contact their entering centre for advice. Private candidates may also apply to WJEC directly by requesting an application form from
WJEC follows the JCQ processes on appeals as documented in the JCQ Guide to the awarding bodies' appeals processes.
JCQ have also published an FAQ document for Appeals in June 2023.
Our Guide to Appeals document outlines WJEC's processes for appeals concerning reviews of results, malpractice, access arrangements and reasonable adjustments, special consideration and other examination and assessment administrative decisions.
Certificates are dispatched to centres around 12 weeks after the publication of results.
Centres can change the personal details for candidates entered for WJEC qualifications up to the Certificate Printing Deadlines, at no additional charge.
- November series - 31 January
- January series - 31 March
- June series - 9 September
Centres must notify us of any amendments to be made to candidate personal details by emailing our entries team with a covering letter giving the correct details. A new original certificate will then be issued to your centre (it will not be sent directly to the candidate). There will be a charge for this service, please see our fees booklet for further information.
Centres may confidentially destroy certificates if left unclaimed by candidates 12 months from receipt.