Committed to supporting our education communities
We are one the largest providers of qualifications for schools, academies, sixth form and further education colleges across England, offering valued qualifications to suit a range of abilities. Each and every one of our qualifications is carefully designed to stimulate students and to equip them for the next stage of their lives.
Eduqas is a core component of WJEC. Born out of a consortium of local education authorities in 1948, WJEC is now a registered charity, and a company limited by guarantee. Day-to-day management is carried out by our Executive Leadership Team who are supported by a staff of more than 350.
In 2014 we launched Eduqas to differentiate our Ofqual reformed qualifications, designed specifically for secondary schools, academies and colleges in England. We are building on WJEC’s years of experience and tailoring our resources, support and expertise specifically for this range of reformed qualifications.
We play a central role in the UK’s education landscape, contributing to the development and implementation of significant reforms through partnership working with key stakeholders including Ofqual and JCQ.
Our focus is ensuring that every decision made is the right one for teachers. We strive to work from the bottom up; always listening to what teachers need. Working in this way ensures that the work we carry out is reflective of the needs of classrooms across the UK.