WJEC launches new blended learning content
2020 has been a challenging year for all of us and now we understand that teachers are facing the potential of unprecedented change in the way they will be teaching, and how students will be learning, in this next academic year.
Over the summer, we have been working closely with practitioners across all four consortia to design and develop blended learning modules to support teachers and students of Geography, History and Religious Studies. You can see the latest Blended Learning modules here.
The specification has been split into manageable teaching and learning modules. Each module covers a key element of the specification and can be used for flipped learning, homework, revision or for continuity of learning should your students be unable to attend school.
Modules will be published on a regular basis, and in order to aid your planning we have produced a timetable of publication up to Christmas. We will produce a further timetable in the Spring term.
We welcome feedback on these first units so that this can be used to inform all future units. If you have suggestions or would like to discuss needs for other subjects, then please contact the resources team: resources@wjec.co.uk.