Five ways our resources are supporting home learning
Teachers and students are thinking creatively about new forms of teaching and learning during this unprecedented time. Here’s five ways our resources team have been working to support this effort and provide you with appropriate, FREE resources to support new ways of working:
1) Student-focused Resources: We have curated all the content we have available and identified those resources which are suitable for home learning. All these resources have been tagged as ‘student-focused’ so you can tell, at a glance, whether it will meet your current needs.
2) New Interactive Activities: We are adding to our bank of interactive content that allow students to test their own knowledge, through short, sharp self-marking activities.
3) Further Resources: We are working closely with Welsh Government and Hwb in pooling together all appropriate resources from providers across the country and making sure this content is signposted, so that you can all have access to a wider range of content.
4) Updated Question Bank: We are updating Question Bank on the website, so students have access to an ever-growing bank of past questions.
5) New Knowledge Organisers: By using our new Knowledge Organisers, students will be able to revise distilled information on any given subject from one sheet, making it easier for them to identify the most important points. Here’s an example for GCSE English Language.
This new student-focused, distance learning approach will ensure that you can be confident that the content is relevant to our specifications and will effectively support students’ continuity of learning.
Please remember, we are in this together. Our resources are available online, and they are, and always have been, free and open to all.