First wave of Made-for-Wales Guidance for Teacher (GFT) now available
Following the publication of our approved specifications and Sample Assessment Materials (SAMs) for the first wave of our Made-for-Wales GCSEs and related qualifications, and in line with the Qualifications Wales’ agreed timeline, we have now published the associated Guidance for Teaching (GFT)*. These will support teachers and lecturers in their preparation for first delivery from September 2025.
Commenting on this publication, Ian Morgan, WJEC’s Chief Executive: “We are delighted to have published our suite of Guidance for Teaching, alongside the approved specifications and Sample Assessment Materials for the first wave of our Made-for-Wales qualifications.
These support materials will aid teachers and lecturers in their preparation and delivery of these exciting new qualifications. They will help them to deliver the qualifications with confidence, and ultimately inspire and motivate their learners.
I am extremely grateful for the support and constructive feedback provided from our educational communities in the development of these new qualifications, which will offer learners across Wales with new and tailored learning experiences.
Each qualification has been carefully designed to support the ambitions of the Curriculum for Wales, enabling schools and colleges to tailor their teaching towards the needs and interests of their learners.
Alongside the support documentation, our Digital Resources Team continue to publish FREE support resources, which will aid the delivery of these qualifications.
Furthermore, this package will be complemented with a schedule of extensive face-to-face Professional Learning which is available to schools and colleges across Wales in the spring term.”
*Guidance for Teaching for GCSE Religious Studies will be published in the coming weeks.
Purpose of our Guidance for Teaching
Our Guidance for Teaching documents have been designed to support teachers and lecturers in the delivery of our new qualifications. They provide guidance on the requirements of the respective qualification and the assessment process. Furthermore, these documents will support them to identify opportunities to embed elements of the Curriculum for Wales in the delivery of these qualifications.
Each guide will aid teachers and lecturers to develop stimulating and exciting courses tailored to the needs and skills of their learners. In addition, they offer possible classroom activities and links to useful resources (including our own, freely available digital materials and some from external sources) to provide ideas for immersive and engaging lessons.
The GfT, alongside the approved specifications and SAMs are available to download from the following subject pages:
- GCSE Art and Design
- GCSE Business
- GCSE Computer Science
- GCSE Core Cymraeg
- GCSE Cymraeg Language and Literature (Single and Double Award)
- GCSE Drama
- GCSE English Language and Literature (Single and Double Award)
- GCSE Food and Nutrition
- GCSE French
- GCSE Geography
- GCSE German
- GCSE History*
- GCSE Mathematics and Numeracy (Double Award)
- GCSE Music
- GCSE Religious Studies
- GCSE Spanish
- Level 2 Additional Core Cymraeg
* Since this article was published, WJEC, Qualifications Wales and Welsh Government have announced that the first teaching for our Made-for-Wales GCSE History has changed from September 2025 to September 2026.
FREE adaptable resources and Professional Learning
To support the delivery of these qualifications, we will be producing a package of FREE adaptable digital resources. We began publishing these materials from the end of the autumn term, further information is available via the following announcement.
Alongside these resources, we are also delivering a tailored schedule of online and face-to-face Professional Learning opportunities. These FREE nationwide courses are available to centres across Wales. Each course will be delivered by trained subject experts who will provide insight into each qualification and offer pragmatic advice and guidance. Further information on these courses, including our Pan Wales Roadshow is available here.
Stay up to date
To keep you up to date with the latest news, opportunities and FAQs regarding the new GCSEs and related qualifications, visit our Made-for-Wales’ web area. This area hosts a wealth of material, including an introduction to our Qualification Development Team who is leading the creation of the new qualifications.