Congratulations to students receiving their summer 2024 results today

Congratulations to students receiving their summer 2024 results today

Today, students across Wales will receive their A level, AS, Level 3, Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate and Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate qualification results.

Wales A level results

  • 97.4% of students in Wales achieved A* - E
  • 10.1% of students achieved an A*

Wales AS results

  • 90.2% of students achieved A-E
  • 22.1% of students in Wales achieved grade A

Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate / Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate

  • 98.1% of students achieved the Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate
  • The number of students doing the Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate increased by 1.5 percentage points compared with 2023
  • 79.6% of candidates passed the Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate

Commenting Ian Morgan, Chief Executive, WJEC, said: “Congratulations to students collecting their results today, which reflects their hard work and determination shown throughout their studies.

‘On behalf of WJEC, I would also like to thank teachers, lecturers and teams working at schools and colleges across the country for their support and professionalism again this year; they’ve demonstrated huge commitment for their students every step of the way.

‘These results offer students a gateway into their next steps of their career, whether this is to further study or entry into their chosen careers, whatever their choice, I wish them the very best in their endeavours.”

Visit our Results Day webpage today

To support students, teachers, lecturers and parents we have developed a bespoke Results Day Webpage which hosts all the information you need, including details on Grade Boundaries, a guide to appeals, and useful contacts for advice and guidance.

Further Information / Media Enquiries:

Jonathan Thomas
PR and Brand Manager
029 2026 510